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   WHO AM I   

What should I write about myself ...?!

It's about my travelling, so let's start there ...

2009 I emigrated. Officially. The master's certificate in my pocket. Sick of the life in Germany with all the bureaucracy and the starvation wages. A new start after a failed relationship. I just did it.

With all my stuff in the car, I went to Spain to begin a new life. But it didn't worked out there, so I left the island after three months. But I didn't wanted to go back.

So I ended up in Austria, where I spent two awesome years in the idyllic province of Salzburg. But at some point it was no longer enough for me. After several European trips I wanted to see more of the world.

With half a year of preparing, my path led me to the other end of the world. After a few stops in Asia, serenity and friendliness of the Kiwis in New Zealand showed me new perspectives. The fever grabbed me. There was no looking back.

My constantly changing plans took me to Australia. The country where I've lost my heart.

The three months back home over land, changed my life and my way of seeing things even more. Travelling is the best school ever. You can learn so much about yourself, about other cultures, other people, other worldviews. I am grateful for each person I met on my way, whether in a positive or a negative way. One can learn from all encounters.

My way through Asia showed me a lot of poverty, a lot of culture, a lot of hospitality. The people who have the least give the most. I've learned to live with little. And I try to continue to live with less and less possession. Life is easier the less you have. One can focus more on the really important things in life.

Another highlight of this trip was the time in Mongolia and Russia, travelling with the Transsiberian. A nomadic life with the most cordial people ever.

After a short stopover at home, I worked for a year in South Tyrol, Italy. But even there, the travel bug grabbed me again.

My path led me over beautiful Iceland to Canada, where I spent the freezing winter working at farms.

To get some sun I went to Puerto Rico for a holiday, before I drove my new old car 15,000 km through the United States.

Again in Europe, my professional way brought me to mystic Ireland for two month, before I went to Nicaragua as a volunteer for three months. After a relaxing "mañana, mañana"-attitude in this hot and wonderful country, my path led me again to Iceland, where I survived the long and dark winter with work.

After a nice summer at home, a short trip through Macedonia, Bulgaria, Dubai, India and Singapore brought me back to Australia. I'm already here since nearly one and a half years now. Work and travel in a country full of freedom and adventures.

In between I'll be in Germany for a holiday in April/May this year, with a short stop in China.

My 2 years visa will run out in October 2017. So I need to/ want to leave this beautiful country (sure not forever). I got different ideas in mind already. Nepal? India? Pakistan? Iran? South America? Take my car with me? Leave my car behind? Who knows, still a few month left. Enough time to change my plans another 20 times. Let's see, what the time brings....

My Trips not only affect my life. I'm always happy, if I can inspire other people with my stories and adventures. And that happens quiet often.

There were many ups and downs, but it always went further.

Future plans? Always travelling!

But of course, my travel behaviour changed over the years. And secretly I wish to be able to fulfill my dream of open up my own bakery in Australia.

I've done all this work, because I would like to share my adventures with you. I hope you like what you find here and maybe I can anyhow inspire some more people...

"It is not that we do not have a lot of time, but rather that we have a lot of time that we do not use."

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